Last night when I watched this video, I was appalled of the blatant order Trump was giving our incoming Senators, especially the Republican Sentors. This is a flagrant disregard of our democracy. Trump is wielding his power and consolidating it in a way that will harm Americans and our way of life. The only way he will get away with this is if we do NOTHING. That's right nothing.
Sure, we can do that but what will it get us? Part of the problem is that not enough of us acted when we needed to and that’s on us. Now, we’ve got to fight to keep what we have and consolidate our power, the power of We The People.
Part of my stance from now on will be the fact that it’s not just me being the resistance but we being the resistance. So, I will be using the hashtags #IamtheResistance and #WearetheResistance to to indicate all of us. I am also letting everyone know by using the ‘I’ on that I personally am not going to let this Republic die without a fight.
In this situation, here is what I plan to do and I hope you all do something similar. First, I’m going to do both letters and postcards to the incoming Republican Senators. I will be using something like this in each of them:
Direct others here to get ideas on how they can resist. Another item I plan to do is to take inexpensive ads in small town newspapers around the USA, specifically in red states, asking them to check out groups like Indivisible or directing them to websites, blogs and more where they can get more information on what’s really happening to our democracy. I know most of you can’t afford that at all but for me getting people aware of their options is one of my top priorities.
In a future blog post, I will be going over those priorities so that hopefully others may learn and benefit from my input. But I can’t do this alone and would appreciate any help I could get at this point. Please realize, I don’t do this for me as this path may bring me nothing but heartache and this I know. I do this for all of us now and those who come after us. That means our children and grandchildren because I can’t and won’t leave them all alone to clean up the mess left to them by my generation or those generations before me.
Till next time,
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